![]() Do you ever feel your company should pay you more? Dumb question because the answer is probably, all the time. The better question is are you getting paid what your worth, or are you earning what you’re getting paid? I recently overheard a group of people talking (whining) about how much or little they were being paid. This group was a well-dressed, and clearly educated. They were talking about how hard they worked, how committed they were and how valuable to the company they were. This is a typical scene played out all over corporate America. Now let me set the rest of the stage; it was Wednesday at 10:30 am, in a Starbuck’s, they weren’t in sales and made excuses to get out of the office and they didn’t have any work material with them. Additionally, they also talked about leaving and working for other companies and pet projects. So I have to wonder, how hard are they really working, are they even earning what the company was paying them and how committed are they if they’re openly talking about greener grass? This scene is epidemic of today's workforce. People, not all of course, perceive they are working hard when in reality they are whining, gossiping, dreaming, wasting time and making excuses. Then they wonder why they aren’t being paid more. The answer is simple, if you want more you’re going to have to earn it. It’s time to stop talking and start working. How much you earn is directly proportionate to how hard you work and how valuable you are to your company. If you want to get paid what you’re worth, stop talking and start doing. Earn it! This may not be you, and I’m sure you have people you know who share the mentality of the Starbuck’s group I mentioned. If that’s the case, help them stop whining and making excuses and show them how to earn by producing. Get paid what your worth by executing, adding value and giving more of yourself than anyone else.
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April 2018