Have you ever run a sales appointment and didn’t sell it, or know someone who has been in that position? Ever hear this - it wasn’t my fault, they couldn’t afford it, they didn’t understand, they want to think about, etc.? Is that any different than when you or someone else makes an excuse for not following through, not finishing, or not succeeding? Obviously not. What these excuses have in common are the victim mentality, and they’re all BS excuses - nothing more. The victim mentality aims to place blame everywhere except where it belongs, squarely on the victims shoulders. The reality is if you or anyone has any involvement then they or you are responsible for the results and outcome. You can place blame and deflect all you want, but at the end of the day, you’re playing the “poor me I’m the victim card.” In life you get to choose whether you’re going to be the victim or the victor. The victor accepts 100% responsibility for everything in their life. They know that if they are involved, they have the ability to influence and make a difference. If they fail to succeed they don’t blame others. They self-reflect opposed to self-absolve. Victors don’t blame lost sales on others. They find their mistakes and fix them. They don’t blame their weight on others and the fast food restaurants. They go out exercise, make smarter food choices and take responsibility for their future. They don’t blame their financial situation on the economy. They go out, step up and find a creative alternative. Being a victim is your choice. Being the victor is also your choice. It’s not a fine line. It’s a very defined solid line. It requires character on your part. So, do you have the character to be the victor, not victim? Here’s a huge secret to your success - get around other victors. They’ll show the way.
Every single day, each and everyone of us has a routine: bathing, grooming, eating, the route we drive to work, our work activities, and so on. We live and die by our routines. They make us healthy or sick, clean or dirty, productive or unproductive, and successful or unsuccessful. So that begs the question, what’s your routine for success conditioning? Can you be successful with just a few activities peppered in here there and the next place, or does it need to be routine? Let me provide a reality check, unless you make it part of your actually daily routine, success will never happen. Success, motivation, good health don’t exist and aren’t sustainable without constant focus. In fact they will disappear if you don’t give them daily attention. That’s why we say success and motivation are like bathing. We recommend you do them and their associated support activities everyday. What should you add to your routine? That’s up to you and what type of success you’re after. Do you want better health? Then you must incorporate some form of fitness, nutrient-rich foods, and cut out the sugary crap from your daily life. Do you want greater professional success? Then everyday focus on improving your skills, increasing your knowledge, mastering sales and negotiating skills, etc. Your success routine will be entirely dependent on what type of success you desire. My recommendation, find someone who’s achieved the success you want and copy their daily routine. To be effective, to stay motivated and to be successful, it must become a constant daily conditioned lifestyle - just like bathing or it won’t last. Everyday schedule yourself with activities designed to move you forward, to stay motivated and to not lose momentum. It’s easier to maintain than to re-start. Keep momentum on your side, incorporate success and motivation rituals into your daily routine, and keep moving forward. Experience is expensive and you always pay up front. I’ve been taught that statement, learned that statement repeatedly and come to believe that statement until someone smacked me in the head to correct me. Yes experience is expensive, and yes you do pay up front. But who said you have to be the one to pay the price? Why can’t someone else pay the price? Look at it this way - someone already invented the wheel, so why are you going through all the growing pains to reinvent the wheel? That’s absolute insanity. Someone, somewhere has already solved the problems and challenges your facing. Odds are they probably solved them honestly and ethically and know the success formula to give you the same results. It makes sense then to go out, find these people and do exactly what they’ve done. You should get exactly the same results with none of the aggravation, pain and effort required. Why then don't we do this, and what can we do about it? We as professionals, and people on general, tend to over-complicate everything. We feel perceived as more important and hard working if the processes are complicated. This thinking is both ignorant and wasteful. Talk to any if the most successful people and they all tell you one of the biggest secrets is simplification. They know that results are more impressive than the appearance of hard work. To solve your challenges you need to shift your approach and take the the following 5 actions:
Experience IS expensive. Let someone else pay the price. Implement the solutions of other successful people and get what they've got without all the pain and financial challenge. |
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April 2018